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Node.JS SDK API Reference

Node.js SDK

Highlight's Node.js SDK makes it easy to monitor errors and metrics on your Node.js backend.

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H.init() initializes the Highlight backend SDK. If you are not using any of the provided handlers for Express, it is required to call this method before recording backend errors or metrics.

Method Parameters
import { H } from "@highlight-run/node"; const highlightOptions = {}; if (!H.isInitialized()) { H.init(highlightOptions); }


H.isInitialized() returns true if the Highlight backend SDK has been initialized. This may be handy if your initialization code could be called multiple times, e.g. if it is called conditionally from a request handler when a backend error or metric needs to be recorded.

import { H } from "@highlight-run/node"; const highlightOptions = {}; if (!H.isInitialized()) { H.init(highlightOptions); }


H.consumeError() reports an error and its corresponding stack trace to Highlight. The secureSessionId and requestId properties are Highlight ids used to link an error to the session in which the error was thrown. These properties are sent via a header and included in every request to your backend once the Highlight client is initialized. They can be parsed using the H.parseHeaders() helper method.

Method Parameters
import * as http from 'http'; import { H } from "@highlight-run/node"; const onError = (request: http.IncomingMessage, error: Error): void => { const parsed = H.parseHeaders(request.headers); if (parsed !== undefined) { H.consumeError(error, parsed.secureSessionId, parsed.requestId) } };


H.recordMetric() reports a metric to Highlight. Backend metrics can be used just like frontend metrics for creating custom dashboards.

Method Parameters
import { H } from "@highlight-run/node"; const handler = (request) => { const parsed = H.parseHeaders(request.headers); const start =; doInterestingWork(); const elapsed = - start; H.recordMetric(parsed.secureSessionId, "elapsedTimeMs", elapsed, parsed.requestId, ["user": "Zane"]); };


H.parseHeaders() is a helper function for extracting the Highlight secureSessionId and requestId from network requests. These fields are sent with network requests as the 'x-highlight-request' header, encoded as a slash-separated string: "{secureSessionId}/{requestId}"

Method Parameters
import * as http from 'http'; import { H } from "@highlight-run/node"; const onError = (request: http.IncomingMessage, error: Error): void => { const parsed = H.parseHeaders(request.headers); if (parsed !== undefined) { H.consumeError(error, parsed.secureSessionId, parsed.requestId) } };